Explore Nigeria Magazine is
a conscious effort to positively sell Nigeria to the world. This Magazine is
more than just an information document, it is a national tool to reinvent
Explore Nigeria brings to
the media table a unique way of telling the story of Africa’s most populous
Nation –Nigeria.
People, Places and Events
are the strategic areas of concentration that Explore Nigeria focuses on.
Nigeria boast of great human beings with extraordinary potentials in different
fields of endeavors .These collection of superior minds that abound in Nigeria
will be showcased in a specially customized way.
Nigerians in the rural areas
and those in the seat of power will be given relatively equal attention on this
are thousands of places in Nigeria that will give you that wow effect. Explore Nigeria
believes that the story of Tourism in Nigeria has not been honestly told.
Explore will break into new
geographical frontiers in Nigeria .Unique architecture and breathtaking views will wow your mind.
minute in Nigeria, millions of things happen in the street corners, in the high
places even in the comfort of people’s home.
The biggest shows in Africa
happen here in Nigeria and Explore brings you the stories as they are without
compromise. As a matter of accuracy, Explore can predict the next big thing
that will happen in Nigeria.
As you explore the world of
Explore Nigeria Magazine, get ready to discover amazing PEOPLE, PLACES and
Facebook: explorenigeriamag Twitter:@explorenigmag
Blog: http://explorenigeriamag.blogspot.com/ Email:explorenigeriamag@gmail.com

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